Ruta de los Coroneles

For just 8 euros you can purchase a ticket that allows you entry to 5 museums, historical buildings and a tour showing the historical importance of La Olivia, collectively known as 'Ruta de los Coroneles' (Route of the Colonels)

Ruta de los Coroneles

The ticket includes entry to, Casa de la Cilla, Casa de los Coroneles, Iglesia de la Candelaria, Casa del Coronel and Centro de Arte Canario

The village of La Oliva is located inland in the north of Feurteventura.

Opening Hours : Tuesdays and Fridays betwen 10:00 and 14:00

Location details and reviews

Specific Event Information

Starts Friday June 16th 2023 10:00
Ends Friday June 16th 2023 14:00
Categories Museums, La Oliva