Fiesta del Carmen 2022 Corralejo

Fiesta del Carmen 2022 takes place between July 8th and July 24th in honour of Our Lady of Carmen  Corralejo,Fuerteventura

The Fiesta in Honor of Our Lady of Carmen is perhaps the busiest of the parties in Corralejo. Attended not only by residents of the municipality of La Oliva but from the entire island of Fuerteventura and tourists where music, gastronomy, dance and friendship are shared for hours.

Fiesta del Carmen 2022

The busy tourist town of Corralejo is located on the coast in the north of the island in the municipality of La Oliva. The old town is based around the harbour, which was originally used by local fishermen, and now has a marina, and a ferry terminal. From here you can take the ferry to the nearby island of Lanzarote, passing the island of Los Lobos on the way, which you can also take a ferry to.

Location details and reviews

Specific Event Information

Starts Friday July 8th 2022 10:00
Ends Friday July 8th 2022 22:00
Categories Stage, Beach, and Street Events, Corralejo, Fiestas