Fiestas Candelaria 2023

The 2023 Fiesta Candelaria takes place between January 30th and February 5th in the town of La Oliva, Fuerteventura. The main music event featuring thirteen hours of music is on Saturday February 4th commencing at 15:00 continuing until Sunday 5th at 04:00

Fiesta Candelaria 2023

The village of La Oliva is located inland in the north of Feurteventura on the bus route between Corralejo and El Cotillo. Casa de los Coroneles, and the Centro de Arte Canario Casa Mane are worth a visit where work from well known Canarian artists is exhibited.

Location details and reviews

Specific Event Information

Starts Sunday February 5th 2023 09:00
Ends Sunday February 5th 2023 22:30
Categories Beach, and Street, La Oliva, Fiestas