Fuerteventura Archaeological Museum

Fuerteventura Archaeological Museum

Fuerteventura Archaeological Museum has has two exhibition halls equipped with explanatory panels, one for Aboriginal material culture and the other to the spiritual world, both exhibit some archaeological pieces belonging to the Aboriginal stage of the island. The museum began with the donation by old Fuerteventurans of various pieces found by accident in the fields. Vicente Ruiz, a resident of Betancuria, was the one commissioned to gather and organise the material.

After crossing the threshold, visitors will receive information about the paleontological wealth of the Island. Photographs and models of aboriginal inhabitants, ceramic remains, tools made from bone or molluscs all help us to discover the life of Fuerteventurans in years gone by. Without forgetting the religious idols made from stone and the information about Tindaya and its podomorphs as centre of the magical-religious world of the ancient Fuerteventurans. Panels and illustrations invite the young and old to read quietly, and thereby discover what the old Fuerteventurans used to eat, their techniques for pasturelands and fishing or how they managed to obtain much-prized water.

Opening hours : Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:00 (Closed Sundays and Mondays)

See https://museosfuerteventura.com/en/ for additional information

Specific Event Information

Starts Saturday March 22nd 2025 10:00
Ends Saturday March 22nd 2025 17:00
Location Fuerteventura Archaeological Museum, Betancuria
Categories Museums, Betancuria
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Fuerteventura weather in March


Average temperature in Fuerteventura during March




Average high temperature in Fuerteventura during March




Average low temperature in Fuerteventura during March




Average sea temperature in Fuerteventura during March




Average humidity in Fuerteventura during March




Average daily sunshine hours in Fuerteventura during March




Average monthly rainfall in Fuerteventura during March


per month

During March it’s quite mild in Fuerteventura with a daily average temperature of 19°C, a daily average maximum of 24°C and a daily average minimum of 15°C. The average sea temperature is 19°C, the average rainfall for the month is 1 mm, average humidity is 65% with an average of 7.5 daily sunshine hours.
Don't be deceived by these low temperatures, they're recorded in the shade so if you're in the sun out of the wind it gets very hot so don't forget the sun protection. In the evenings it’s a good idea to take a scarf, fleece or a light jacket especially if you're outside in the wind.

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