Aloe Vera,Fuerteventura Nature
HotAproximately 300 species of Aloe Vera plants can be found, however, very few of these are beneficial to humans. Of the minority that contain healing properties, Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller is the highest quality. In fact, it is widely recommended to use Aloe Vera products that come from the Barbadensis plant.
The word Aloe derives from the Arabic ‘Alloeh,’ and this translates as ‘shining bitter substance.’ Vera means true in Latin, and it is for this reason that the plants containing healing properties are frequently referred to as true Aloe Vera. The famous botanist Philip Miller discovered this species of Aloe Vera on the island of Barbados in 1768 and therefore named it Barbadensis and Miller after himself.
Although Aloe Vera Barbadensis has the appearance of a cactus, it belongs to Liliaceae family; therefore it is a type of Lilly and ultimately a member of the onion family. It is a succulent perennial plant with fibrous roots that grow in tropical and subtropical climates. The most effective of these plants are those that receive very little water. During heavy rainfall these plants retain water and although they don’t lose their healing properties, the concentration is lost. It is for this reason that the Barbadensis plants of Fuerteventura, which incidentally, have instinctively acclimatised on this island, are known as the best Aloe Vera in the world.
The body of Aloe Vera Barbadensis can reach a circumference of up to 35cm. The leaves grow in a spherical method around the body and can proliferate to approximately 50cm in length, and 5 – 8cm in width. They are of a shade somewhere between khaki and light grey and comprise of a smooth surface with heavily serrated edges. It is this which gives Aloe Vera plants the appearance of cacti. When the plants mature and all of the healing properties have developed, small golden flowers start to blossom. The maturation period varies within different countries, and these plants thrive in Fuerteventura. It takes around four years for an Aloe Vera plant to mature on this heavenly island, as opposed to six years in the south of mainland Spain. It would appear that the Aloe Vera plants have synchronised to the dreams of humans, in that even they can’t wait to experience the paradise of Fuerteventura.
The earliest record of Aloe Vera dates back to 2100 BC. It was documented on a Sumerian tablet found in Nippur, Iraq.
Aloe Vera was used in abundance in ancient Egypt. The plant even assumed divine status and was known as ‘Plant of Immortality’. It is believed that the Egyptian queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti maintained their beauty with it and that the Mahometans hung it in doorways to protect against evil. It was an important ingredient in the production of papyrus, and was highly regarded in the treatment of tuberculosis. Combined with Myrrh, Aloe Vera became an embalming lotion, and upon the death of a Pharaoh each person was required to present a pound of Aloe when attending the funeral.
King Solomon (971 – 931 BC) grew Aloe Vera, and in fact the Arabs named it the ‘desert Lily.’ By 600 BC Arab traders transported Aloe Vera to Persia and India. It was during this time that the Arabs began to separate the inner gel and the sap from the outer rind. With bare feet they crushed the leaves before placing the pulp into goat skin bags. It was then left to dry in the sun and this created Aloe Vera powder.
At around 500 BC the Hindu people believed that Aloe Vera grew in the Garden of Eden and christened it ‘Silent Healer.’ The Chinese named it ‘Harmonic Remedy,’ the Mayan Indians referred to the juice as ‘The Fountain of Youth,’ and throughout the ages Native American Indian tribes have utilised Aloe Vera for its revitalizing properties.
Alexander the Great (356 – 323 BC) kept a store of Aloe Vera to ensure that wounded warriors were effectively treated.
The bible contains many references to Aloe Vera. In fact, it is widely believed that Jesus was embalmed with it.
During the crusades of the middle ages the Knights Templar mixed the pulp of Aloe with Hemp and this concoction was referred to as ‘The Elixir of Jerusalem’ It was highly regarded in the maintenance of health and the extension of longevity.
Christopher Columbus kept Aloe Vera upon his ships. In addition to its medicinal value, it provided him and his mercenaries with nutrition during shortages of food.
During the 16th century the Spanish Jesuits cultivated the plant in areas where it had previously been unknown to grow. These intelligent and educated monks performed many successful healings with Aloe Vera.
Benefits to Health
Aloe Vera is most popularly known today for its beneficial effects on the skin. Nevertheless it contains over 200 ingredients which are vital for the maintenance and restoration of overall health. It is a natural medicine conducive to the prevention and treatment of cancer, diabetes and inflammatory disorders. It is known to relieve the symptoms of lupus, reduce cholesterol levels, and aid in the prevention of cardio vascular disease.
Mike Adams the editor of Natural claims that Aloe Vera is the most impressive herb of them all. These plants contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. They house antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, and antifungal properties, as well as anthraquinone and lupeol analgesics.
Aloe Vera gel is a necessity for any first aid kit; it may replace a wealth of sprays, lotions and potions. As it is a natural product, it is perfect for use on injured animals because when they lick the wound, they do not ingest toxins.
A substance known as Acemannan is found within Aloe Vera. It is a saccharide that the body naturally manufactures up until puberty. It is then stored ready for utilisation. It is for this reason that children heal easily and the elderly experience much difficulty. Therefore a regular intake of Aloe Vera accelerates the healing process.
Benefits to the Skin
Many substances which are conducive to the health of the skin are found within Aloe Vera. One of the most important is Gibberellin, a growth hormone which is needed to stimulate growth factor receptors within fibroblasts. These must be active in order to synthesise collagen, a natural protein which is crucial for the maintenance of the skin’s elasticity.
Aloe Vera gel protects against radiation damage. In addition to healing burns caused by radiation therapy it protects against the UV rays pertaining to sunlight. When Aloe Vera gel is applied topically it gives rise to the production of Metallothionein. This is an anti-oxidant protein that is vital for the elimination of free radicals that arise as a result of oxygen metabolism. They are toxic wastes that ultimately cause intracellular destruction. In addition to many other adverse effects on health, free radicals initiate the breakdown of collagen, and therefore give rise to fine lines and wrinkles.
Aloe Vera contains Mucopolysaccharides which bind moisture and therefore keep the skin hydrated. It has an adhesive effect on the epidermal cells and this softens the skin. The amino acids found within Aloe Vera soften solidified skin cells, and these plants comprise of high levels of zinc, a mineral necessary for wound healing and the tightening of the pores. A combination of these beneficial properties generates an anti-acne effect.
We have given you the bare bones of Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller. Obviously, a myriad of books have been written about this powerful plant.
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