Common stingray,Fuerteventura Nature
HotThe common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca) is the most common species of ray found in Fuerteventura waters inhabiting sandy areas to a depth of 60 metres where they often bury themselves in the sand. Common stingray prey on bottom-dwelling crustaceans, molluscs, and small fish.
The common stingray has been reported to reach a width of 1.4 metres and a length of 2.5 metres, they have a whip-like tail measuring approximately half the length of the body. It can inflict a painful, though rarely life-threatening wound with its tail spine equipped with a venom gland. A second or third spine may also be present, as the spines are regularly replaced and new spines grow before existing ones have been shed.
You can sometimes see large stingrays in the harbours of Caleta de Fuste, Corralejo, and Morro Jable both from the shore and when snorkelling.